Vietnam attaches importance to partnership with Venezuela

VOV.VN - Vietnam always attaches importance to the traditional friendship and comprehensive partnership with Venezuela, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at his reception for Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs Yvan Gil Pinto in Hanoi on June 8.

Chinh welcomed the diplomat’s visit which he said would contribute to strengthen bilateral ties, especially in the areas where both countries have potential and demand, for the sake of their people, and for peace, cooperation and development in the two regions and the wider world.

Chinh suggested that the two sides further increase delegation exchanges, and deploy measures to strengthen bilateral relations as agreed during the Venezuela visit in April by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, and the talks between the two foreign ministers on June 8. He requested that the two sides soon convene the next meeting of the Inter-governmental Committee to promote economic cooperation.

He also stressed the need to maintain mutual consultations at international organisations and multilateral forums, and push ahead with negotiations to reach cooperation agreements on consular affairs, trade, investment, education-training, digital transformation and cyberspace, locality-to-locality connection and people-to-people exchanges, thus creating a favourable legal corridor to deepen and further diversify the friendship and comprehensive partnership between the two countries.

The PM noted that Vietnam – Venezuela trade and investment relations remain modest compared to the potential, and he asked the two countries’ relevant agencies to actively promote the exchange of business delegations, organise trade and investment promotion and trade connection activities, and create favourable conditions for the two countries’ key products to access each other’s markets and tap mutually beneficial cooperation and investment opportunities.

For his part, Yván Gil Pinto congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in all aspects, saying Vietnam is an example in socio-economic development and foreign relations for Venezuela to follow.

He affirmed that the Venezuelan Government attaches great importance to Vietnam’s growing role and position in the region and the world at large.

Venezuela hopes to further tighten relations with Vietnam through all Party, Government, State, National Assembly and people-to-people exchange channels, he noted.

Pinto also briefed the host on the results of his meeting with Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung and his talks with Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, saying that the two sides had extensive discussions on issues of mutual concern, suggested specific measures and agreed on the bilateral cooperation programme in the coming time, especially in the fields of energy, telecommunications, construction, agriculture and pharmaceuticals.

Venezuela is willing to facilitate visa applications by Vietnamese citizens to promote people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, he said.

The Venezuelan diplomat conveyed President Nicolás Maduro's regards to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and congratulations to President To Lam on his election.

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