Venezuelan media run wide coverage of Vietnam’s National Day, achievements

VOV.VN - Venezuelan media recently published articles praising the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 79 years ago, as well as highlighting the revolutionary life, career and contributions of President Ho Chi Minh.

Venevisión, one of Venezuela’s largest television networks, interviewed Vietnamese Ambassador to Venezuela Vu Trung My, shedding light on the context and historical significance of the August 1945 Revolution and National Day on September 2, 1945.

The founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945 was said to create a major source of inspiration for the global revolutionary movement, particularly for many Latin American countries that were then struggling for self-determination.

In the program broadcast live to tens of millions of viewers in Venezuela, journalist and host Rafael Aníbal Camacho affirmed that the great thoughts of President Ho Chi Minh have consistently accompanied Vietnam’s significant achievements over the past 79 years and remain relevant to this day.

In the interview, Ambassador Vu Trung My emphasized that the Declaration of Independence on September 2, 1945, is the legal document that laid the foundation for establishing a rule-of-law state in Vietnam, inspiring creativity and illuminating the path of the Vietnamese Revolution in building a state of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Moreover, the victory of the August 1945 Revolution in Vietnam also contributed to the global struggle for liberation, marking the beginning of an era of independence and freedom for colonized and oppressed peoples worldwide.

Over nearly eight decades, through fierce wars to drive out colonial and imperial forces to gain independence, and subsequently through the phase of reconstruction and development, he said Vietnam has recorded significant achievements in all areas, increasingly asserting its position on the international stage.

According to the diplomat, from being a poor colonized country, Vietnam has now become a diplomatic partner with 192 countries, a member of the United Nations, and a responsible and respected member of the international community, by participating in many multilateral organizations.

Vietnam has consistently pursued an independent and self-reliant foreign policy, emphasizing diversification and multilateralism. It has positioned itself as a trustworthy friend and partner, working towards an international community of peace, stability, cooperation and development.

The Ambassador affirmed that the traditional friendship and Comprehensive Partnership between Vietnam and Venezuela have been continuously strengthened and advanced across all areas over the years, especially in the context of 2024 when the two countries marked 35 years of their diplomacy.

Other Venezuelan media agencies such as Globovisión, Mundo Diplomático TV, and Venezuela National Radio also reported on Vietnam’s National Day, highlighting the country’s remarkable achievements in their transformation from a country heavily devastated by wars to a state among the fastest-growing economies in the world, serving as a development model for many countries.

Orinoco, the oldest newspaper in Venezuela with the largest circulation, also published an article, praising the glorious journey of the Vietnamese nation, the role and mission of the Communist Party of Vietnam, as well as the revolutionary life, career, and significant contributions of President Ho Chi Minh to the Vietnamese revolutionary cause and global struggles.

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