Promoting cooperative relations between Vietnam and Slovakia

VOV.VN - Vietnamese Ambassador to Slovakia Nguyen Tuan on July 7 paid a courtesy visit to Deputy Speaker of the Slovak National Council Milan Laurancik.

Tuan thanked Laurencik for providing his valuable support to Vietnamese people in Zilina, with a large number of Vietnamese nationals, to well integrate into the local community during his time as deputy governor of the locality.

Laurencik said that he would continue to promote practical activities to elevate the Slovakia-Vietnam relations, by making recommendations to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy regarding issues to be discussed at the political consultation and Intergovernmental Committee meetings, including granting entry visas for Vietnamese tourists and workers.

He also suggested that Vietnam simplify procedures in issuing visas for Slovak citizens to Vietnam for tourism as well as business cooperation.

Laurencik affirmed that he would lobby the National Council and Government to create more favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to contribute more to the economic and cultural development of the host country after they were recognized as Slovakia’s 14th minority group.

He also vowed to support the Vietnamese Embassy in its activities in Slovakia.

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