Australia and Vietnam boost parliamentary cooperation on 50 years of diplomacy

VOV.VN - Australian Ambassador to Vietnam Andrew Goledzinowski hosted a working dinner with members of the Australia-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group at the Australian Embassy in Vietnam this week in celebration of 50 years of diplomatic times between Vietnam and Australia.

Goledzinowski recalled recent high-level visits to Vietnam by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Governor-General David Hurley, which he said reflected the significant strategic trust and close friendship between the two countries.

Elevating the relationship with Vietnam was an important part of Australia’s determination to enhance its links with Southeast Asia region and ASEAN, especially as Vietnam and Australia look towards upgrading their relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, he said.

Hoang Thanh Tung, Head of the Australia-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group and Chair of the National Assembly Committee for Legal Affairs, highlighted the strategic trust and affinity between two countries’ strategic vision and actions. He appreciated the increasing cooperation with Australia in delegation exchanges, technical assistance provided to National Assembly deputies and officials and mutual support at international fora.

Australia’s Aus4Reform Program has been assisting the National Assembly Economic Committee since 2015, to enhance the analytical and reporting capacity of the Committee in overseeing and developing Vietnam’s economic development agenda.

Further assistance programs to various committees are scheduled to start this year, he revealed.

The Australia-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Group, consisting of 11 National Assembly deputies, plays a key role in fostering the parliamentary relations and cooperation between the two countries. A cooperation agreement between Australia and Vietnam’s legislative institutions was signed in 2013, and again renewed in 2022 during National Assembly Chairman Mr Vuong Dinh Hue’s visit to Australia.

The agreement aims to promote cooperation in high-level exchanges, climate change, digital transformation, digital economy, fair energy transition, human rights and exchanging views on regional issues and providing mutual support at international fora.

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