Deputies pass state capital, taxation laws

Lawmakers ratified the law on the management and use of state capital in production and business during their plenary session in Hanoi on November 26, with 85.11 percent of votes in favour.

With 10 chapters and 66 articles, the law stipulates how State-owned enterprises, individuals and organisations manage and use the State capital. 

A bill to amend and supplement the Law on special consumption tax won 73.64 percent of approval, under which, online games and soft drinks are subject to special consumption tax, among others, from January 1, 2016. 

Under the taxation law which garnered 85.51 percent of votes, preferential tax will be given to agro-forestry and fishery firms working in poor areas. 

Discussing the Law on labour safety and hygiene, deputies asked for all workers being covered by the law and more rounds of inspections in the workplaces from the grassroots to central levels. 

They also talked in depth policies on insurance against labour accidents, occupational diseases, and local authorities’ responsibility for reporting cases of accidents at work.
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