Conference reviews project on Vietnam – Cuba defence ties

A conference to assess the Defense Ministry-level scientific research project, themed “Vietnam – Cuba defence cooperation through the memoirs historical witnesses”, was held by the Department of Military Science on January 10 in Hanoi.

The project was implemented by the Department of Information and Training under the General Department of Politic Affairs.

Addressing the event, Major General Le Xuan Sang, Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Training, who is head of the project, spotlighted the significance of the work, saying that it provides viewpoints of individuals on defence relations between Vietnam and Cuba over the past 60 years in a systematic and comprehensive manner.

The project also contributes to affirming the righteous guidelines of the Parties, States and armies of Vietnam and Cuba, thus strengthening the fine relationship between the two peoples and armies in the new period.

At the meeting, members of the ministry’s Council of Scientific Research said the work completed research objectives set out, and is applicable.

The project’s management board was asked to collect feedbacks and contributions of the council’s members, towards finalising the work.

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