Chile aspires to cooperate with Vietnam on renewable energy

VOV.VN - Chile, the second country in the world in terms of having most electric vehicles, desires to co-operate with the nation in the field of renewable energy, an area where it is very advanced with wind energy, solar energy, and green hydrogen.

Chilean Ambassador to Vietnam Patricio Becker made the statement during a recent interview given to a VOV reporter to mark the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Both sides officially established diplomatic relations on March 25, 1971, and Chile became the second country in the Western hemisphere to officially recognise and establish full diplomatic ties with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Recently, both nations upgraded their relationship to a comprehensive partnership in 2018 as a way of helping to ramp up closer co-operation.

The Vietnam - Chile Free Trade Agreement was signed in 2011 and officially came into force in 2014, a factor which has helped bilateral trading ties enjoy annual growth, with this now being at a very good level despite obstacles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With regard to current co-operative ties between the two nations, the Chilean diplomat stated that the bilateral relationship between is currently experiencing one of its best moments amid both nations celebrating 50 years of diplomatic ties this year. Recent times has seen the two sides sign a range of co-operation agreements, as well as establishing a strategic alliance.

“Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to launch many activities this year due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that more activities will be held next year in the build up to the 15th anniversary of Vietnam and Chile elevating their relationship to a comprehensive partnership,” the Ambassador said.

With regard to efforts aimed at deepening the relationship between the two countries, Ambassador Becker highlighted the free trade agreement between as a contributory factor in helping trade exchanges enjoy annual growth of approximately US$1.6 billion.

Chile remains keen to continue to co-operate and enhance trade exchanges with the Vietnamese side, particularly as it is beneficial for both nations, he added.

 “We not only want to ship Chilean agricultural products to Vietnam and vice versa, Vietnam exports a number of items such as mobile phone components, clothing, and shoes to Chile, but we are also keen to expand to other products and other fields.

We know that Vietnam is planning to change the source of energy and is also developing the electric car industry. Chile, as you know, is the second country in the world with the most electric vehicles for the time being. Therefore, we want to cooperate and trade with Vietnam more deeply in other fields such as energy and mining,” the Chilean diplomat went on to say.

Concerning the pandemic situation, the Chilean diplomat affirmed the South American nation’s readiness to help competent Vietnamese agencies in joint efforts to combat COVID-19.

According to him, experience through exchanges amid the challenging period has can be viewed as an essential pillar in relations between the two countries, especially for maintaining the longstanding friendship.

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