25 years feature Vietnam- China border of peace and friendship

VOV.VN - The Vietnam-China Land Border Treaty represents a valuable historical milestone, opening up a new charter in the relationship between the two countries.

Historical milestones in promoting cooperation and development

The Vietnam-China Land Border Treaty was signed on December 30, 1999, and officially took effect on July 6, 2000. To achieve this, the two sides had to go through a more than 30-year negotiation process , overcoming many difficulties and obstacles due to natural conditions, science and technology, politics, law, psychology, sentiments, and even historical issues.

After that, Vietnam and China set up 12 joint groups to bilaterally conduct border demarcation and marker planting. In addition, both sides conducted 9 rounds of official negotiations at the government level, numerous meetings between the two heads of delegations, and 39 rounds of negotiations at the chair level of the Joint Committee for Border Demarcation and Marker Planting.

On December 31, 2008, the demarcation and marker planting were completed, with both sides demarcating the border in the field.

On November 18, 2009, representatives of the two governments signed three legal documents on the Vietnam-China land border, including the protocol on border demarcation and marker planting, the agreement on border management regulations, and the other on border gates and regulations on the management of border gates.

These three documents officially came into force as of July 14, 2010.

The Vietnam-China land border is 1,449.566 km long and has 1,971 landmarks, located by geographic information system (GIS), and global positioning system (GPS), thus ensuring accuracy to the millimeter according to international standards.

Regarding the significance of 25 years since the signing of the Vietnam-China Land Border Treaty, Dr. Tran Cong Truc, former head of the Government Border Committee, said, “In historical reality, this is the first time Vietnam and China have established a clear land border from West to East, with a modern, regular system of border markers. The settlement of border issue has created a political and legal environment for the two sides to continue to cooperate with each other in promoting economic development, and ensure national security and defence.”

An overview report of the conference to review 25 years since the signing of the Vietnam-China border treaty and 15 years since the signing of three legal documents on the land border between the two countries also emphasized that the peaceful and stable border has actively contributed to promoting cooperation and development border areas, and trade exchange activities through border gates have seen strong development.

According Minister of Foreign Affair Bui Thanh Son, finishing the settlement of the land border issue between Vietnam and China was a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship, which has experienced many ups and downs. It is also an achievement built on political determination, wisdom, and tireless efforts of generations of Vietnamese and Chinese people, particularly in the new era under the leadership of the two communist parties.

This historical achievement has laid a legal and political foundation for the two countries to maintain a peaceful and stable environment for economic development and ensure security and defence, fulfilling the aspirations of their people, he stated.

Since the three legal documents on the Vietnam-China land border took effect and the two countries officially began managing the land border in accordance with these documents, the overall situation has been stable. The borderline and markers have been maintained, and public order and safety in the border areas have been ensured. Both sides have paid attention to opening and upgrading border gates, connecting transport infrastructure, and boosting friendship exchanges.

Valuable lessons learned

The signing of the Vietnam-China Land Border Treaty has gone through many ups and downs along with the development of relations between the two nations. Dr. Tran Cong Truc said that the experience in resolving the land border issue between Vietnam and China provides many lessons to be applied to other border directions, for example the Vietnam-Cambodia border or the maritime border.

Having directly engaged in the Vietnam-China border negotiations right after the two countries normalized relations and being the first person in Asia to translate the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Dr. Tran Cong Truc said that the first thing when doing border work is to show goodwill.

In the process of resolving the Vietnam-China land border issue, the two sides have gradually adhered to the agreements reached to form a peaceful and stable border. First, they reached an agreement on principles and legal basis to carry out the specific process later. Then, they cooperated to implement the border planning process. Next, both sides established a joint committee and formed a system of regular and modern border markers. After having a border in the field, they signed documents to jointly exploit resources, Truc said.

Dr. Tran Cong Truc also emphasized the motto of “both cooperation and struggle” in addressing border issues and managing land borders with neighboring countries. In historical reality, relations with neighboring nations require tact and flexibility, but also determination, he added.

“Struggle is not based on a rigid stance, following slogans, but on a scientific basis, and on an objective legal basis that both sides agree upon. Especially in border relations, each side has its own opinion to defend its stance. However, we must fight for incorrect stances. Fighting means pointing out legal shortcomings and scientific basis to convince each other. One side cannot only respect partners without fighting in an effort to create a stable, long-term, and firm border,” Dr. Tran Cong Truc analyzed.

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