Homestay service in Da Lat

To make a trip to the Central Highland city of Da Lat more interesting, tourists can consider choosing a homestay or hostel room, instead of a luxury hotel one in town.

For a two-day trip to Da Lat at weekend, tourists can stay at The Circle Vietnam Hostel on Dang Thai Than Street, around three kilometers from the city’s downtown.

At a cost of VND200,000 per person per night, the hostel attracts tourists by its colorful tubes where customers stay. Inside each circle room is a bed for two people and a toilet.

The area at the yard in front of those rooms is for cooking and other community activities. There, tourists can cook food or gather in groups for chatting and singing.

Another feature of The Circle Vietnam Hostel is the beautiful natural landscape with green valleys, hills of pine trees and villas hidden behind the mist.

For another homestay option in Da Lat, tourists can go to La Nha Homestay on Hoang Dieu Street.

The space of La Nha gives guests a nostalgic feeling with old tables, chairs, wardrobes, and black and white TVs.

Almost all items used for decoration are secondhand flower vases, pieces of glass, umbrellas, doors but each room is equipped with modern furniture such as air-conditioners and water heaters.

La Nha has some shared rooms with single beds and tents put around its yard. La Nha also has an area for people to get together for cooking or warming up.

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Homestay grows popular among tourists
Homestay grows popular among tourists

Homestay service has been popular in many Western countries. In Vietnam, homestay is emerging as a new trend in rural areas as international visitors have strong demand for exploring daily indigenous life and culture in Vietnam.

Homestay grows popular among tourists

Homestay grows popular among tourists

Homestay service has been popular in many Western countries. In Vietnam, homestay is emerging as a new trend in rural areas as international visitors have strong demand for exploring daily indigenous life and culture in Vietnam.

Homestay in Duong Lam ancient village
Homestay in Duong Lam ancient village

(VOV) - Homestay tourism in the Duong Lam ancient village Son Tay, Hanoi connects guests with live-in hosts to better experience the local way of life and culture.

Homestay in Duong Lam ancient village

Homestay in Duong Lam ancient village

(VOV) - Homestay tourism in the Duong Lam ancient village Son Tay, Hanoi connects guests with live-in hosts to better experience the local way of life and culture.

Nam Dam Homestay and Community House on Archdaily
Nam Dam Homestay and Community House on Archdaily

(VOV) - Nam Dam Homestay and Community House in Quan Ba District, Ha Giang Province was recently highlighted on Archdaily, the world's most visited architecture website. Here’s a gallery of photos:

Nam Dam Homestay and Community House on Archdaily

Nam Dam Homestay and Community House on Archdaily

(VOV) - Nam Dam Homestay and Community House in Quan Ba District, Ha Giang Province was recently highlighted on Archdaily, the world's most visited architecture website. Here’s a gallery of photos: