World class cruise ship docks at Chan May port

(VOV) - On August 9, the world’s third biggest cruise ship Voyager of the Seas carrying more than 3,600 passengers and 1,200 crew members landed at the Chan May port in the central province of Thua Thien Hue for the first time. 

Staff from the leading tour operator Saigontourist brought passengers to historical relic sites and beauty spots in Hue, Da Nang, and Hoi An where they can enjoy culinary arts and shopping services.

Representatives from the world’s leading magazines from Australia and Hong Kong conducted surveys at Thua Thien Hue’s tourist sites.

The arrival of the Voyager of the Seas is considered as an experimental step of the project to upgradewharf No 1 in Chan May port and part of maritime cooperation activities between Thua Thien Hue and Royal Caribbean Cruise.

Earlier, Royal Caribbean International Group has invested US$4 million in upgrading wharf No 1 capable of anchoring major international cruise ships.  

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