Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City

(VOV) - Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City strongly embodies the French architectural style. It is one of the major city landmarks that attracts both Vietnamese and foreign tourists. 

Notre Dame Cathedral is located in Paris Commune Square. After their conquest of Saigon (the former name of Ho Chi Minh City), the French settlers wanted to build their own church.

Its construction lasted from 1877 to 1880 and drew heavily from the classic religious architectural style of Europe.

Nguyen Huu Thai, an architect specializing in colonial buildings in Ho Chi Minh City, says French style buildings in Ho Chi Minh City were built in different periods, Notre Dame Cathedral being built in the first period.

“Notre Dame Cathedral was built during the time of the French governors. During this period, all buildings were built in a the military style which means the streets were straight and there were major buildings situated at major intersections. The main buildings of that period include Norodom Palace which is now the Independence Palace, and Notre Dame Cathedral,” he noted.

The Cathedral was designed by architect Jules Bourard, an expert in religious architecture. Based on the model of Notre Dame de Paris but smaller, it combines Romanesque and Gothic style. The building is considered the finest work in the 19th century.

Thai added, "At that time, all the building materials were imported from France. The outer wall of the cathedral was built with red bricks made in Marseille. Although they are not glazed, these bricks still retain their bright red and are not overgrown with moss. "

The cathedral is 91 meters long and 35.5 meters wide. Its height is 21 meters. In 1895, two towers housing six bronze bells were added. Crosses were also installed at the top of each tower.

The six bells are named according to their musical note: sol la si do re and mi. The sol is the largest bell. It sounds only once a year on Lunar New Year's Eve, when other five also echo. Their sound can be heard in a radius of 10 km.

Inside the cathedral, the nave contains 12 columns that represent the twelve apostles. The chapel’s white marble is carved with six angels.

In front of the cathedral is a square where the intersection of four streets forms a cross. In 1959, a 4.6 meter sculpture representing the "Virgin of Peace" was carved out of white marble imported from Italy in the center of the square by the Italian sculptor Ciocchetti.

More than a century after its construction, Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh city retains its incredible beauty. It is a place of worship for local Catholic and expatriates and also a major tourist attraction.

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