Challenging hairpin bends on the way up Hai Van Pass

(VOV) - Hai Van (Sea Cloud) Pass is situated along the Hai Van mountain side, on the border of Thua Thien-Hue and Danang provinces. Early this year, UK magazine, The Guardian, listed Hai Van Pass among the top 10 great scenic drives in the world.

The most spectacular section spans 21 kilometers and comprises a series of hairpin turns, steep inclines and breath-taking vistas. Reaching a peak elevation of 496 meters, Hai Van Pass is often shrouded in a mist that rises from the sea.
Hai Van Pass looks most beautiful at 9am-3pm in late spring and summer 
One of the many hairpin bends on the way up the pass
The blue sea viewed from the top of Hai Van Pass

Winding up the mountain, around sharp hairpin bends, with lush green jungle on one side and breathtaking, panoramic views of the glistening blue sea on the other, it was apparent the long, hot journey had been worth it.

Hai Van Pass is a most scenic hillside road in Vietnam which is very popular with travellers and bikers from all over the world

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