Golden Shower Trees show off beauty in Hanoi

VOV.VN -Muong Hoang Yen, also known as Golden Shower Tree, in Hanoi has started to bloom, turning the capital city into a giant yellow carpet. 

The tree, with its scientific name of Cassia fistula, has abundant racemes of bright yellow flowers, which cascade down from the branches to around 30-40 cm in length.
It is the national flower of Thailand with the name of dokkhuen
Its yellow flowers symbolize Thai royalty
The Cassia fistula originates from Southern Asia and is planting from southern Pakistan through India to Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries.
The trees are in full bloom around the West Lake in Hanoi.

Together with bang lang (crape myrtle) and phuong vi (flamboyant flower), Golden Shower trees make the summer more colourful and the streets more poetic.

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Poaceae flowers shine by romantic Long Bien bridge
Poaceae flowers shine by romantic Long Bien bridge

(VOV) - Long Bien bridge seems more romantic in October when Co Lau (Saccharum arundinaceum-Poaceae) flowers are in full bloom on the Red River banks.

Poaceae flowers shine by romantic Long Bien bridge

Poaceae flowers shine by romantic Long Bien bridge

(VOV) - Long Bien bridge seems more romantic in October when Co Lau (Saccharum arundinaceum-Poaceae) flowers are in full bloom on the Red River banks.

Lam river beautified with white reed flowers
Lam river beautified with white reed flowers

(VOV) - In early November, white reed fields along the Lam River alluvial ground in central Nghe An province has appealed to those loving to travel and capture romantic photos. 

Lam river beautified with white reed flowers

Lam river beautified with white reed flowers

(VOV) - In early November, white reed fields along the Lam River alluvial ground in central Nghe An province has appealed to those loving to travel and capture romantic photos.