Vietnamese enterprises in Switzerland, Russia enhance trade relations

Ambassador Nguyen Trung Thanh hoped for successful relations between Vietnamese enterprises in Switzerland and Russia, which are expected to open up new business opportunities.

Thanh, who is Head of Vietnam’s Permanent Mission to the UN, the World Trade Organisation and other international organisations in Geneva, made the statement during a meeting of Vietnamese businesses in Switzerland and the Vietnamese Business Association in Russia (VBAR) from January 12 to 17.

In the working session in Moscow, Ambassador Thanh expressed his enthusiasm for the Hanoi- Moscow trade centre (Incentra), which has been billed as one of Vietnamese expats’ greatest achievements in foreign countries.

VBAR Vice Chairman Bui Van Hoa briefed Ambassador Thanh and Vietnamese firms in Switzerland on Russia’s socio-economic conditions, highlighting that economic difficulties in Russia are affecting Vietnamese people’s business.

Ambassador Thanh and Vietnamese businesses will continue to meet with VBAR members in Saint Petersburge and Krasnodar.
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