Fintech market value to reach US$7.8 billion by 2020

The financial technology (Fintech) industry is thriving in Vietnam with the market value expected to increase from US$4.4 billion in 2017 to US$7.8 billion by 2020, according to a report by Solidiance, a management consulting firm in the Asia-Pacific.

Amongst three segments of fintech services, the digital payment leads the way, accounting for 89% of the local market share. The personal finance and the corporate finance, meanwhile, are forecast to experience respective Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGRs) of 31.2% and 35.9% between 2017 and 2025.

The main factors driving the fintech development in Vietnam include the Government’s plan to expand the local access to banking services to 70% by 2020; the respective increases of 52% and 72% in the numbers of Internet and smartphone users in urban areas in 2016; and the growth of e-wallet services driven by the small number of bank account holders. 

The number of e-wallet users in Vietnam was estimated at 10 million people last year.

In addition, increasing income is leading to the expansion of the middle class and as a result, consumption is on the rise.

The growth of fintech has been also fueled by the robust development of e-commerce which will see the number of users hitting 42 million by 2021 alongside the improvement of the country’s regulatory framework.

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E&Y: Where is fintech in Vietnam?
E&Y: Where is fintech in Vietnam?

Vietnam can expect its fintech ecosystem to grow in the near future should it pay attention to the funding issue, growing talent in the field, and a legal framework to support such growth.

E&Y: Where is fintech in Vietnam?

E&Y: Where is fintech in Vietnam?

Vietnam can expect its fintech ecosystem to grow in the near future should it pay attention to the funding issue, growing talent in the field, and a legal framework to support such growth.