Vietnam ready to facilitate business activities of Korean firms

VOV.VN - The Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) supports and is ready to create a favorable legal corridor for investment, production and business activities of the domestic and foreign business communities, including Korean businesses and Samsung Group.

The statement was made by NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue at a reception in Hanoi on October 1 for Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Samsung Group Park Hark Kyu.

The Vietnamese top legislator welcomed Park Hark Kyu 's working visit to Vietnam and showed his elation to meet again the Korean CFO following the official visit to the RoK by the high-ranking NA delegation in February 2021.

Hue reiterated the state visit to Vietnam in June by Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol with a view to implementing the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership that the two countries have established since the end of 2022.

Joining the President's delegation were many major Korean businesses and corporations to promote trade and investment ties between the two countries, Hue went on to say.

The Vietnamese NA leader welcomed the commitment of the Chairman of Samsung Electronics Group to accompany and support the development of Vietnam's supporting industries within the framework of the Korean President's visit to Vietnam.

He also expressed his joy at the very positive production and business results of Samsung Group in Vietnam over the past 9 months of 2023, thereby making considerable contribution to Vietnam's import-export turnover.

The Vietnamese NA is ready to accompany and offer optimal conditions for Samsung Group to conduct effective, successful and sustainable business investment activities in Vietnam, Hue told his guest.

In response, Park Hark Kyu hailed Vietnam’s expected economic growth rate of 5% which is an admirable result amid the current difficult general context.

On this occasion, the Samsung CFO discussed with the NA Chairman about a number of issues of concern to his group.

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PM hosts CFO of Samsung Group and Russian Minister of Internal Affairs
PM hosts CFO of Samsung Group and Russian Minister of Internal Affairs

VOV.VN - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted separate receptions in Hanoi on October 31 for Chief Financial Officer of Samsung Group Park Hark Kyu and Russian Minister of Internal Affairs General Kolokoltsev Vladimir Alexandrovich.

PM hosts CFO of Samsung Group and Russian Minister of Internal Affairs

PM hosts CFO of Samsung Group and Russian Minister of Internal Affairs

VOV.VN - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted separate receptions in Hanoi on October 31 for Chief Financial Officer of Samsung Group Park Hark Kyu and Russian Minister of Internal Affairs General Kolokoltsev Vladimir Alexandrovich.