Vietnam, China work to promote aquaculture trade

Vietnam and China have set up their special working groups to deal with inspection and quarantine procedures of agro-aqua-forestry products imported and exported between the two countries.

These groups were established during a recent visit to China by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) delegation to discuss issues related to promotion of Vietnamese agro-aqua products in China. 

The January 16-18 visit, was intended to realise the signed agreement between the ministry and China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) first reached during the Chinese visit by President Truong Tan Sang last year. 

During the visit, MARD and AQSIQ reached two important agreements, including a deal on the supervision of food safety on aquatic products, and a memorandum of understanding on technology cooperation and information exchange in fish paste and fat for animal feed production. 

They also shared information on risk assessment to open the gate for Vietnam’s mangosteen and rose apples to the Chinese market. 

Vietnam also added China to the list of countries with licensed products of plant origin to export to Vietnam. 

The two sides also agreed to enhance information exchange on food safety management and the supervision system of both countries, while working closely in organising a conference in the field in 2014.

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