TISTR holds event on transforming SMEs and a Bio-Economy

The Thailand Institute of Science and Technological Research (TISTR) has held an event called “Transforming SMEs through Innovation: From Local to Global Player in Bio-Economy”. 

Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Suwit Mesinsee, explained that TISTR’s “Transforming SMEs through Innovation: From Local to Global Player in Bio-Economy” helped to draw up a plan for the nation’s science, technology and innovation, especially in terms of SMEs that depend on non-renewable natural resources.

He pointed out the government wishes to find solutions to the problem of natural resource depletion and is supporting research and experimentation for more efficient use of raw materials.

The effort is to focus in on SMEs that have Bio-Based production structures, seeking to make them sustainable or able to use alternative materials. Ideally, they would be transformed through innovations to increase their value and marketing capabilities, while increasing dependence on alternative energy. 

It is intended that knowledge assembled at the event will result in a shared vision or strategy for a Bio-Economy and the creation of ecosystems that fit the nation and its SMEs. 

Organizer, Manu Liewpairoj, said the event was a way for SMEs to access research and development undertaken by TISTR to improve their products and help them in terms of trade in the long term. 

TISTR Governor, Dr. Laksmi Plangsaengmas, elaborated by adding that the purpose of the event was to translate the institute’s work through SMEs and community enterprises into sustainable commercial practices and to apply government policies in a concrete manner. 

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