TCEB aims to promote Thailand as world-class international exposition hub

The meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions or MICE industry plays a key role in Thailand’s economic development, with international expositions alone have so far attracted some 260,000 visitors to the country this year, which is 13.2 percent higher than the previous year, generating some 20 billion baht value, showing a 5.93 percent growth.

Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau’s (TCEB) President Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya has revealed that the bureau will be pushing forward international expositions in Thailand in 2020, and host the Union of International Fairs’ (UFI) annual summit in Bangkok on this 6-9 November, which will help promote Thai exposition industry at global stage.

TCEB will be working in five aspects, to attract newer events to be taking place in Thailand, particularly related to 12 S Curve industries; the preparation to host international aviation expo; the preparation of Thai businesses to organize industry-standard expositions; improving collaboration between government agencies and private companies; and creating global partner network supporting exposition organization, with particular focuses on China, Japan, Taiwan, and ASEAN countries.

TECB President said the organization has raised its target to have 277,000 visitors attending expositions in Thailand, generating a total of 21 billion baht revenue.

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