Start-ups discuss ways to overcome COVID-19

The complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam as well as around the world has had large influence among enterprises, especially start-ups.



V-Startup collaborated with Thien Loc Communication JSC to organise the Vietnam Business Partnership Matching Day 2020 in Hanoi on July 28.

The event is an activity in the mission of developing markets for innovative start-ups under the Government’s Project 844 to support an innovative national start-up eco-system.

The activity is organised to provide an overview of Vietnam's post social distancing and pandemic economic situation, and policies to support the Government's economic recovery, providing opportunities for businesses development, especially creative start-ups.

Another important purpose of the event is to create a connection between investors and young businesses.

It brought together representatives of State ministries and departments, as well as leading economic experts and investors.

The seminar sought to create a multifaceted ecosystem, connecting innovative start-ups to find solutions, jointly develop and recover the economy.

A representative from the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment said that the department had actively supported SMEs and start-ups through activities such as training, domestic and international seminars and conferences, start-up festivals and business matching events.

Experts at the meeting agreed customers’ habits have been changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Previously, customers went out to markets and supermarkets to buy things. But the pandemic had made them shop online more.

Therefore, experts recommended enterprises push online marketing besides traditional methods.

Experts also said that enterprises should invest more in technology. As the pandemic is returning to the central city of Da Nang, experts noted that businesses should check their budget and expenses carefully. Online marketing is a channel that businesses should pay more attention to.

Enterprises are advised to learn more about online marketing so they can attract customers through images and videos as well as to survive fierce competitiveness.

Experts also advised enterprises to develop scenarios to respond to different development stages of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, some representatives from the enterprise side expressed wishes that they wanted the State agencies and relevant organisations to accelerate communications at the communal level so that more people could access information.

They also said that people’s knowledge of technology should be improved.

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