SET offers finance e-learning course to 101 universities

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) has provided an e-learning course to 101 universities for students to gain knowledge about capital markets.

The SET e-Learning course covers topics of financial planning, investment principles, financial products on the TFEX market and investing in stocks, debt instruments and mutual funds. 

The course features over 800 online learning materials, including pre- and post-learning tests, online certification and accessibility via desktop computers and mobile devices.

The Stock Exchange of Thailand has offered the program to 101 universities nationwide, such as Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok University and the Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology. 

SET President Pakorn Peetathawatchai said it is important that students are knowledgeable about capital markets and finance.

He claimed it serves as a foundation for businesses scaling and making investments in the future.

The SET has also held a seminar for professors on innovations in capital markets to incorporate in their curriculum.

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