President receives head of US ASEAN Business Council

President Truong Tan Sang on March 18 met with a delegation of US businesses led by President and CEO of the US-ASEAN Business Council Alexander Feldman.

Feldman expressed his delight at the development of US-Vietnam bilateral ties and the contributions of the US-ASEAN Business Council in promoting commerce and investment ties between US and Vietnam.

The President asked the council and other US businesses in Vietnam to boost economic and trade ties, calling for the US to remove trade barriers for Vietnamese products to enter the US market and support Vietnam in negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Feldman expressed his delight at returning to Vietnam as both nations celebrate 20 years of diplomatic ties.

At the meeting, he and other representatives from US businesses thanked the Vietnamese Government for providing preferable conditions for US businesses to invest and operate in Vietnam, thus fostering economic and trade ties between the two countries.

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