PetroVietnam’s board of has two new members

The National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) has announced the decisions to appoint Nguyen Van Mau, its Deputy General Director, and Tran Binh Minh, head of the PetroVietnam Office, as two new members of its Board of Members.

Member of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (CMSC) Nguyen Hoang Anh handed over the appointment decisions to Mau and Minh during a ceremony on July 28. The two will serve at the board in a five-year term.

At the ceremony, Anh highlighted the important role of the PetroVietnam in ensuring national energy security and national sovereignty, underlining the need for the newly-appointed officials to continue to work hard to further boost the sustainable development of the firm and completing all assigned tasks.

Chairman of the PetroVietnam’s Board of Members Hoang Quoc Vuong said that the firm is facing many challenges and difficulties, especially those from the energy transition trend. He expressed his hope that the new officials will help the firm operate more efficiently.

After the appointment, PetroVietnam’s Board of Members comprises seven members.

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