Pepper farmers expect bumper harvest, good prices

Vietnamese pepper farmers are expecting a bumper year with an estimated output of 15,000 tonnes, up nearly 30,000 tonnes against last year, partly thanks to favourable weather conditions. 

Their joy is boosted with prices ranging between US$6.3 – 6.6 per kilogram while pepper-growing countries of Brazil and Indonesia are hit hard by a recent severe drought spell, said Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Pepper Association (VPA) Do Ha Nam. 

According to the VPA, the Central Highlands province of DakNong has recorded higher year-on-year yield with some households seeing a rise of 30-40 percent. 

Growers in DakLak and Gia Lai provinces in the region also see abundant crops that go up 20-30 percent. 

During January-March, Vietnam exported 49,000 tonnes of pepper, earning US$332 million, up 29.5% in volume and over 32 percent in value.

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