Mekong Connect 2023 Forum looks to green economic development

The two-day Mekong Connect 2023 Forum is underway in Ho Chi Minh City, highlighting the connection of supply and value chains between the southern metropolis and 13 Mekong Delta localities towards a green and sustainable economy.

At the opening ceremony on November 15, Vice Chairman of the HCM City People’s Committee Vo Van Hoan said the forum comes after the signing of an agreement on socio-economic development cooperation between the city and the delta localities.

Its diverse content is expected to open up new directions for the business community and provide policy recommendations for local authorities, he noted. Particularly, given the context where connectivity has become a top priority for the localities involved, the forum contributes measures to linking their activities across various economic sectors.

It features a main session and four parallel seminars. Participating representatives from ministries, associations, experts, and businessmen are set to discuss a series of topics, such as creating a business climate for the green economy, expanding market opportunities for Vietnamese products in 2024, and specific development mechanisms for HCM City.

In addition, an exhibition space showcasing Vietnam’s green and sustainable economy is underway, with nearly 100 enterprises introducing local specialties and deep processing farm produce, among many other products.

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Mekong Connect Forum to run in HCM City in mid-November
Mekong Connect Forum to run in HCM City in mid-November

The Mekong Connect 2023 Forum will take place in Ho Chi Minh City on November 15 and 16, highlighting the connection of supply and value chains between the city and 13 Mekong Delta localities towards a green and sustainable economy.

Mekong Connect Forum to run in HCM City in mid-November

Mekong Connect Forum to run in HCM City in mid-November

The Mekong Connect 2023 Forum will take place in Ho Chi Minh City on November 15 and 16, highlighting the connection of supply and value chains between the city and 13 Mekong Delta localities towards a green and sustainable economy.