Guide for Mexican businesses interested in Vietnamese market

VOV.VN - The Western Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade (COMCE de Occidente) in collaboration with the Mexican Embassy in Vietnam and the National Bank of Foreign Trade (Bancomext) of Mexico have recently launched the book "Business Guide in Vietnam" as part of efforts to provide useful information for Mexican firms interested in the Vietnamese market.

The document consists of 13 chapters containing practical and concise information on the Vietnamese economy and foreign trade, updates on bilateral trade, potential sectors and products, useful tools related to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), as well as useful contacts in the nation.

Regarding the bilateral ties between both nations, the chairman of COMCE Occidente said that the relationship between the two countries is being promoted across multiple fields, such as politics, economics, trade, culture, education, and tourism, going on to affirm that trade between the two sides will continue to grow strongly as both countries are members of the CPTPP.

Mexican Ambassador to Vietnam Alejandro Negrín said that bilateral trade between has grown exponentially since the CPTPP agreement came into effect.

On that basis, the business handbook will continue to support Mexican enterprises interested in exporting or expanding operations in the Vietnamese market.

For his part, the newly appointed Ambassador Nguyen Van Hai affirmed that bilateral trade still has plenty of room for further development, especially since the two nations are both large markets and share many similarities such as population size and purchasing power, with many products and industries which complement each other.

According to the Vietnamese diplomat, the “Business Guide in Vietnam” not only serves as a useful tool to help Mexican businesses to make the most out of business and investment opportunities in Vietnam, but is also a special gift for the business communities of the two countries towards the 50th anniversary of both nations’ diplomatic ties.

According to details from the Vietnam Trade Office in Mexico, bilateral trade turnover between the two countries reached US$3.1 billion in the first half of the year, up 22% on-year, of which Vietnamese exports to the South American nation hit US$2.64 billion, up 22.2% on-year.

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Mexico represents 8th largest tuna import market of Vietnam
Mexico represents 8th largest tuna import market of Vietnam

VOV.VN - The initial four months of the year witnessed the country’s tuna exports to Mexico hit nearly US$7.4 million, marking a rise of 44% over the same period from last year, according to figures released by the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP).

Mexico represents 8th largest tuna import market of Vietnam

Mexico represents 8th largest tuna import market of Vietnam

VOV.VN - The initial four months of the year witnessed the country’s tuna exports to Mexico hit nearly US$7.4 million, marking a rise of 44% over the same period from last year, according to figures released by the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP).