First International Rice Festival to be held in Vietnam this December

VOV.VN - The first International Rice Festival will be held in the Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang from December 11 to 15, aiming to turn Vietnam into a high-quality rice producer in a green and sustainable direction, a press briefing heard in Ho Chi Minh City on December 1.

The International Rice Festival - Hau Giang 2023 is expected to provide fresh impetus to accelerating the national rice trade whilst offering an opportunity to further elevate Vietnam as a responsible nation for the global food industry.

Dong Van Thanh, chairman of the Hau Giang Provincial People's Committee, emphasised that this year's festival is anticipated to attract about 200 international delegates who will deliver reports and share experiences at a number of seminars.

He expressed hope that both domestic and foreign experts would devise proper solutions and proposals for the sustainable development of the Vietnamese rice industry.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Trung pointed out that the festival would give localities, businesses, and farmers the chance to gain access to advanced production technologies, accelerate digital transformation in agricultural production, and build smart rural areas.

Relevant exhibitions and contests will be held during the International Rice Festival - Hau Giang 2023.

Vietnam is one of the leading three rice producers and exporters in the world. Recently, its ST25 fragrant rice variety successfully surpassed 30 rice samples from 10 countries to win the World's Best Rice 2023 award. This is the second time that the local product has been given the title, following the 2019 honour. 

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Vietnamese ST25 rice wins World's Best Rice 2023 award for second time
Vietnamese ST25 rice wins World's Best Rice 2023 award for second time

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Vietnamese ST25 rice wins World's Best Rice 2023 award for second time

Vietnamese ST25 rice wins World's Best Rice 2023 award for second time

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Vietnamese rice makes inroad into European market

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