Dragon fruit exports to India surge sharply

(VOV) - Dragon fruit of Vietnam has been much sought after in India recently and the import value has risen nearly 20 times over the past two months, according to the Africa, West Asia and South Asia Market Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The change of transportation from air to sea route leads to the increase of dragon fruit imports from Vietnam to India. It helps to reduce the transportation cost from 150 Rupee to 20 Rupee per kilogram.

Vietnam’s dragon fruit is now popular in urban area, particularly in southern India. The price of dragon fruits planted in India is cheaper than that of the imported ones, however, the harvest in India only lasts five months, while in Vietnam, it prolongs for 10 months a year.

With its strange appearance, the dragon fruit is served as a favourite dessert in luxury hotels in India. The fruit has also become popular among the middle class and other customers in this country.

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