Dong Thap, Lao province outline orientations for bilateral cooperation

VOV.VN - Senior officials of Dong Thap and the Lao province of Champasak signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on orientations for bilateral cooperation for 2017 – 2021 after their talks in the Mekong Delta province on September 27.

In his remarks, Chau Hong Phuc, Vice Chairman of the Dong Thap People’s Committee, said he hopes the MoU will help promote bilateral social-economic engagements between the two sides as a contribution to the growth of Vietnam – Laos ties.

Under the pact, the two localities will provide favourable conditions for their respective enterprises to carry out market studies and form partnerships. They will facilitate the exchange of experience on agro-fishery production methods between their relevant agencies and businesses.

The MoU also covers collaboration in research activities and human resources training.

According to Champasak Vice Governor Voualin Vongphachanh the province posts an annual economic growth of 8.4%, with strengths in agriculture and eco-tourism. 

Champasak has attracted 390 investment projects totally capitalized at US$2.1 million, of which around 22% come from Vietnamese investments.

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