COVID-19 takes heavy toll on Vietnamese firms’ incomes: survey

60% of Vietnam’s 500 largest enterprises saw revenues fall in the January-June period due to COVID-19, a report has found.

Well over half also reported falling pre-tax profits, with 31% saying they fell significantly or even suffered losses, according to the report released on Thursday by market research firm Vietnam Report (VNR).

In terms of expectations for full-year revenues, 46% were pessimistic. Over half said they would not earn profits this year.

Almost 72 of the companies carried out sales promotions to survive the pandemic, 58.3% sought new markets, 49% researched new products, and 42.6% cut costs.

Many are seeking assistance from the government, with 68.3% calling for delaying tax payment, 56.7% wanting additional financial support for affected businesses and 51.7% calling for ensuring economic stability.

A quarter of the respondents expected Vietnam’s GDP growth to be under 3%  this year, 61.7% expected 3%-5% and the rest could not estimate.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc had said last month that the country would strive for positive GDP growth by providing support packages to businesses and individuals.

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