China restores customs clearance at Tan Thanh – Po Chai border gate

VOV.VN - China on January 25 began restoring customs clearance for Vietnamese container trucks at the Tan Thanh – Po Chai border gate in Vietnam’s Lang Son province, helping Vietnamese products enter the mainland market.

The decision came following Vietnamese Trade Minister Nguyen Hong Dien’s fact-finding trips to border gates in Lang Son and Quang Ninh provinces of Vietnam.

Statistics show that the number of container trucks left stranded in Lang Son has decreased considerably in recent times. As of 8:00 a.m. on January 24, there were only 355 vehicles waiting for customs clearance in the border province, a fall of nearly 4,000 vehicles compared to December 24, 2021.

“The restoration of customs clearance at the Tan Thanh - Po Chai border gate by China’s Guangxi government will help the two sides release goods faster, meeting the goal of clearing the backlog of vehicles before the Lunar New Year holiday,” a source from the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade emphasized.

The source said the ministry will continue to discuss with relevant Chinese agencies and localities on specific solutions to further facilitate import and export activities through border gates before and after the holiday.

China had previously tightened COVID-19 prevention and control measures by temporarily suspending customs clearance at its border gates with Vietnam, causing thousands of container trucks carrying farm products to get stranded on the border.

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