Chiang Khong Border Checkpoint to become e-Commerce warehouse

Commerce Minister, Sonthirat Sonthijirawong has traveled with a group of people from the public and private sectors to Chiang Khong Border Checkpoint in Chiang Rai province, to survey opinions regarding the development of a mutual economic zone between Mekhong-Lan Chang nations. 

The Commerce Minister went to Chiang Khong Border Checkpoint with the group during his trip to attend the cabinet meeting in Chiang Rai.

The minister said the establishment of the special economic zone would lead to greater trade and investment opportunities among the Mekhong-Lan Chang nations including Thailand, Laos, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. 

 The Commerce Minister added that Chaing Khong Border Checkpoint has the potential to be included in the cross-border economic zone as an access point to Laos, Myanmar and China.

 Chiang Rai is among 10 provinces the Thai government has declared suitable to become a special economic zone and an investment destination for textile, jewelry and tourism industries. 

 The border checkpoint could be transformed into an e-Commerce warehouse to help reduce logistics costs for Thai exporters.

A future discussion with Laos is also expected to take place to allow Thai goods to be transported through the country to China.

 The Commerce Minister will meet with representatives of the Mekong-Lan Chang nations to expedite the development process in order to meet a mutual trade goal of 250 billion US dollars within two years. 

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