Businesses suggest tax, customs overhaul

Over 500 southern firms on November 5 recommended solutions for removing red tape in administrative procedures, taxation and customs. 

A majority of them shared the view that tax refunds remain slow while guiding documents still contain misleading details. 

They also dug into how property developers pay for land use and corporate income tax is cut at appropriate rates. 

Chairman of the HCM City Real Estate Association Le Hoang Chau called on the Ministry of Finance (MoF) to make the US$1.4 billion support package available to more home buyers as scheduled because numerous property developers are on the brink of bankruptcy.

Chau said the property market is closely linked to other economic sectors and its recovery will be helpful for them. 

Referring to customs, representatives from over 1,000 enterprises in industry lauded the launch of e-customs that have helped facilitate exports-imports. However, they noted that it is necessary to upgrade the system so that more data will be processed. 

Tax and customs officials cleared up a number of queries and vowed to consider feasible suggestions for supplements to taxation policies in the future. 

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