Binh Phuoc eyes more investment from Taiwan

Binh Phuoc always welcomes and highly values potential of Taiwanese investors, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Tue Hien stated at an online conference to promote investment from Taiwan (China) to the southern locality, on September 29.

Hosted by the committee and the Investment and Industrial Development Corporation (Becamex IDC), the event saw the participation of representatives from over 80 Taiwanese businesses. 

According to Vice Chairman of the committee Huynh Anh Minh, Binh Phuoc has 13 industrial parks with a total area of 6,061 ha. The occupancy rate in those establishments reached 53.5%. The locality has been a reliable and attractive destination for foreign investors thanks to its potentials and open investment environment. 

It has so far attracted 364 foreign projects worth over US$3.4 trillion, including 34 invested by Taiwanese companies with a total value of US$201 million.

In early April, the provincial Binh Phuoc Investment, Trade and Tourism Promotion Centre cooperated with the provincial Economic Zone Authority, the Southern Investment Promotion Centre, and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh City to organise a programme for Taiwanese firms to explore investment opportunities in Binh Phuoc.

Becamex - Binh Phuoc Industrial and Urban Complex in Chon Thanh district is one of the most prominent IPs in the locality. The complex is home to 54 projects worth nearly US$1 billion. 

Representatives from Becamex IDC presented the potential and opportunities for foreign investment in Binh Phuoc. Participants were also updated on the province’s policies on warehouse construction, tax incentives, procedures for applying for new investment licenses; and traffic connection from Binh Phuoc to Ho Chi Minh City.

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