Bids on five PPP projects for North-South Expressway due in October

The Ministry of Transport is scheduled open bids on five public-private partnership (PPP) component projects of the North-South Expressway from October 2-5.

Adjustments to bidding documents for the projects are expected to be ratified on September 18-20.

Project management boards informed the short-listed investors on July 20-21, who have 60 days to prepare. 

The ministry will negotiate and sign contracts with investors in December, with construction to begin in early 2021 and complete in 2023, as set by the National Assembly and the Government.

The five component projects cover five sections along the North-South Expressway: National Highway No 45-Nghi Son (Thanh Hoa), Nghi Son-Dien Chau (Nghe An), Dien Chau-Bai Vot (Ha Tinh), Nha Trang-Cam Lam (Khanh Hoa), and Cam Lam-Vinh Hao (Binh Thuan).

The North-South Expressway project has a total length of 654km and is divided into 11 sub-projects, including six under public investment and five under PPP. Investment for the sub-projects totals VND100.8 trillion (US$4.3 billion), of which VND78.4 trillion is from the State budget.

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Transport ministry opens bids on five PPP projects for North-South Expressway
Transport ministry opens bids on five PPP projects for North-South Expressway

The Ministry of Transport has approved bidding documents for five component projects of the North-South Expressway to be implemented under the public-private partnership (PPP) format.

Transport ministry opens bids on five PPP projects for North-South Expressway

Transport ministry opens bids on five PPP projects for North-South Expressway

The Ministry of Transport has approved bidding documents for five component projects of the North-South Expressway to be implemented under the public-private partnership (PPP) format.

PPP regulations to be changed to serve development
PPP regulations to be changed to serve development

More than per 76 percent of current investment projects following public-private partnerships (PPP) are in the field of transport infrastructure, but investors still feel insecure.

PPP regulations to be changed to serve development

PPP regulations to be changed to serve development

More than per 76 percent of current investment projects following public-private partnerships (PPP) are in the field of transport infrastructure, but investors still feel insecure.