ASEAN Community’s impact on EWEC cooperation in spotlight

A workshop was held in the central city of Danang on August 15 to examine the possible impact that the formation of the ASEAN Community would have on cooperation in the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC). 

At the event, which was a sidelines activity of the 2014 International EWEC Trade and Tourism Fair, participants discussed how the ASEAN Community will affect policies on tax, trade and goods of EWEC countries. 

Vice Chairman of Danang People’s Committee Huynh Duc Tho said a locality at the end of the EWEC, Danang has been proactive in raising its position as well as improving infrastructure to serve the route’s economic purposes. 

The city has made cooperation with other localities in the corridor to forge regional friendship and coordination. 

The 2014 International EWEC Trade and Tourism Fair opened in Danang the same day. 
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