All government regular procurement to go online by 2025

All government regular procurement transactions and bulk procurement will be done via the electronic national bidding system by 2025, according to a master plan and a road map for online procurement in 2016-2025. 

Under the master plan, which has just been approved by the Prime Minister, from now until 2018, the national bidding e-system will be upgraded to ensure its safe, stable and smooth operation. 

Other tasks in this period include the upgrade of the user support feature and launch of online payment for bidding fees and guarantees via banks or online payment gateways. 

The master plan also requires the provision of bidding information via mobile devices and e-mails, along with the implementation of the Open Contracting initiative.

A system for monitoring and assessing biddings and a database on bidders’ capability and experience will be developed, together with an e-Catalog for online regular procurement and bulk purchase. 

From 2018-2025, the action plan focuses on building legal documents for online biddings and connecting the national bidding system with other e-government systems.

Applications will be developed for the provision of bidding information, participation in bidding as well as the monitoring of the bidder selecting process and contract execution via mobile devices. Another goal is to start online payment to contractors in line with disbursement progress. 

The final target is to have all information related to bidder selection and contract execution published on the national bidding system and 70% of bidding packages within the scope of the Law on Bidding carried out on this system by 2025.

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