Socio-economic stabilization measures under cabinet discussion

VOV.VN - On August 2, cabinet members gave their opinions on socio-economic development of July and over the past seven months of 2016 and the implementation of the resolution on key measures to realize socio-economic development and state budget estimate for this year.

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s report, so far this year the national macro-economy has fundamentally been stable. Growth was seen in most industries. The average inflation was lower than the same period last year.

Aquatic product exports increased 3.9%. The disbursement of foreign direct investment was estimated US$8.5 billion among the registered capital of US$13 billion.

The ministry set three scenarios of Vietnam’s economic growth for 2016 at 6.27%, 6.5%, and 6.7% as set by the NA’s resolution.

In regard to solutions to achieve the set targets during year-end months, the ministry underlined the need to promote agriculture and industry production with focus on auxiliary industry, exports, tourist attraction, improvements in transport service management, and addressing pending issues for BOT projects.

It’s also essential to continue to control inflation through fiscal and monetary policies, tight management of public expenditure, steep up exports, and tap the domestic market and ASEAN market.

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