Party Conference discusses Constitutional amendments

The Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC) convened its fifth conference in Hanoi on May 7 to review and discuss amendments to the 1992 Constitution.

During a week-long event, delegates will focus on reviewing the implementation of the 9th CPVCC’s Resolution 7 on land law in the new period of industrialization and modernization and the 10th CPVCC’s Resolution 3 on enhancing Party leadership in preventing and controlling corruption and waste.

They will also discuss resolutions on social policies for the 2012-2020 period, targeting social policy beneficiaries and maintenance of social welfare

Addressing the meeting, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong praised the great efforts made by the Party, people and army to iron out snags in containing inflation, stabilizing the macro-economy, and ensuring social welfare, as well as securing political and social order, national independence and sovereignty.

Despite the challenges facing the country in the first four months of this year, especially in industrial production, construction and the real estate market, the macroeconomy has seen positive changes, he cited.

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