Nguyen Xuan Phuc voted in as new Prime Minister

VOV.VN - On April 7, Mr Nguyen Xuan Phuc was sworn into office after being elected the new Prime Minister by the National Assembly.

In the following swearing-in, newly-elected PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc thanked lawmakers for voting for him, stressing that holding the position of the new cabinet leader is a great honour and heavy responsibility assigned by the Party, the State and the people.

Newly-elected PM Ngiuyen Xuan Phuc gives oath speech

“In front of the national flag, the National Assembly, the people, and voters nationwide, I vow my resolute loyalty to the nation, the people, and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. I promise to make all-out efforts to well fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party, the State, and the people.

I will do my best to serve the nation and the people for the goal of building the Socialist Republic of Vietnam into a strong country with rich people living in a democratic, fair and civilized society,” the new government leader said.

Phuc also promised to join hands with other cabinet members to build a strong, united and efficient government and devoted himself to serving the Fatherland and the People and successfully fulfilling all tasks in line with the Constitution and law as well as targets for the country’s socio-economic development.

The new government leader also pledged to push forward with the Doi Moi (renewal) process and international integration with a focus on boosting administrative reform, creating a favourable business environment, promoting democracy and disciplinary measures in the State administrative apparatus and the society as a whole.

He vowed to increase the efficiency of the fight against corruption and wastefulness, resolutely defend national independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, and pay due attention to improving people’s living standards.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc offers flower to his predecessor Nguyen Tan Dung

The new PM also thanked Mr Nguyen Tan Dung and other predecessor PMs for their great contributions to the nation’s revolutionary cause.

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Nguyen Xuan Phuc nominated for PM position
Nguyen Xuan Phuc nominated for PM position

VOV.VN - On April 6, President Tran Dai Quang submitted a nomination list for the new Prime Minister to the National Assembly (NA) and Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc was nominated for the post of  the new Prime Minister to replace PM Nguyen Tan Dung.

Nguyen Xuan Phuc nominated for PM position

Nguyen Xuan Phuc nominated for PM position

VOV.VN - On April 6, President Tran Dai Quang submitted a nomination list for the new Prime Minister to the National Assembly (NA) and Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc was nominated for the post of  the new Prime Minister to replace PM Nguyen Tan Dung.

Nguyen Xuan Phuc elected new Prime Minister
Nguyen Xuan Phuc elected new Prime Minister

VOV.VN -On April 7, lawmakers approved a resolution on electing Mr Nguyen Xuan Phuc new government leader through secret ballot.

Nguyen Xuan Phuc elected new Prime Minister

Nguyen Xuan Phuc elected new Prime Minister

VOV.VN -On April 7, lawmakers approved a resolution on electing Mr Nguyen Xuan Phuc new government leader through secret ballot.

Optimistic expectation for drastic changes in new cabinet members
Optimistic expectation for drastic changes in new cabinet members

VOV.VN -Many National Assembly (NA) deputies have expressed their confidence that the new Prime Minister and other cabinet members will help steer the nation to deeper international integration and stronger growth.

Optimistic expectation for drastic changes in new cabinet members

Optimistic expectation for drastic changes in new cabinet members

VOV.VN -Many National Assembly (NA) deputies have expressed their confidence that the new Prime Minister and other cabinet members will help steer the nation to deeper international integration and stronger growth.