National Assembly, Fatherland Front seek coordination in oversight

VOV.VN - On February 10, the National Assembly Standing Committee and the Vietnam Fatherland Front  (VFF) discussed coordination regulations between the two agencies at a meeting in Hanoi.

VFF leader Nguyen Thien Nhan has called on both sides to hold a meeting before the National Assembly session to examine voters’ proposals on oversight work.

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said the two agencies have worked closely in preparations for the election of the National Assembly deputies and in reflecting the Front’s opinions in major draft laws, such as the draft laws on associations and on belief and religion.

The two sides pledged to coordinate more effectively in 2017, the 2nd year of implementing the Resolutions of the 12th National Party Congress and the 2nd year of the National Assembly term.

Reports at the meeting highlighted the close coordination between the NA Standing Committee and the VFF as an important factor to the success of the election of deputies to the 14th NA and People’s Councils at all levels in May, 2016. 

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