NA Standing Committee adopts four resolutions at 24th session

VOV.VN - The 14th-tenure National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee concluded the 24th session on May 16 afternoon after three days' work during which, it approved four resolutions on important issues within its jurisdiction.

In her closing speech, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan asked the Government, standing members of the Council of Ethnic Affairs and committees of the NA, the NA Secretary General and relevant agencies to consider opinions put forth at the 24th session to complete reports, draft laws and draft resolutions before promulgation.

The top legislator also asked for closer coordination to swiftly prepare for the NA’s fifth session set to open on May 21.

Before the 24th session concluded, the NA Standing Committee had commented on the draft revised Law on People’s Public Security Force. 

Most opinions backed the bill and hailed the efforts by the drafting agencies, especially the Ministry of Public Security.

NA deputies proposed that the draft should be deliberated to ensure its constitutionality and feasibility and the consistency in the law system.

The same day, the NA also commented on the draft law on amending laws related to the Law on Planning. 

Deputy NA Chairman Phung Quoc Hien said, ‘We need to review other laws in addition to the 25 laws related to planning so that amendments will be made at the next session and the laws on planning will be implemented in a coordinated manner from January 1st, 2019. This is a positive step forward in enforcing the laws on planning, helping to reform administrative procedures and reduce licensing time’.

Committee members underscored the need to amend planning-related regulations to ensure that they are compatible with the Law on Planning instead of amending regulations related to those laws’ mechanisms and policies.

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