Judicial Reform Committee outlines 2014 legal agenda

The Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform held a conference in Hanoi on March 12 to collect opinions for a draft report reviewing last year’s judicial restructuring and the tasks for 2014. 

President Truong Tan Sang, who is head of the committee, presided over its 14th working session. 

According to the draft report prepared by the committee, Vietnam has seen remarkable results in its judicial reform over the recent past. 

Positive changes have been made in the processes of investigation, prosecution, trial and execution, helping prevent wrong verdicts. 

At the session, delegates focused on clarifying the shortcomings in recent reforms, analysing the reasons and suggesting several major solutions to improve procedures in the future. 

Regarding this year’s duties, delegates attached importance to amending legal documents in line with the revised Constitution’s regulations. 

In addition, attention will be paid to clarifying litigation laws and further specifying the judicial power in building a socialist law-governed State.
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