Hoa Hao Buddhist sect contributes to socio-economic development

The Hoa Hao Buddhist sect has actively implemented the policies and laws of the Party and State and responded to campaigns launched by the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF), contributing to the country’s socio-economic and cultural development and ensuring security in localities.

These achievements were highlighted in a letter sent on June 10 by VFF President Nguyen Thien Nhan to the Executive Board of the sect at all levels and its followers nationwide on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the group.

Nhan expressed his belief that the sect will continue to realise policies and laws, especially those related to religious activities, in order to help strengthen national unity.

Founded in 1939 in southern An Giang province, the Hoa Hao Buddhist sect has developed in 19 provinces and cities nationwide with over 2 million followers.

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