Domestic and foreign media cover 12th National Party Congress

VOV.VN -Vietnam’s major newspapers covered the start of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam on January 20.

The Nhan Dan (People) newspaper ran an article on glorious periods of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The Vietnam News Agency said the 12th National Party Congress reflects the will of the Party and people. The Youth newspaper described the atmosphere in Hanoi prior to the Congress.

On this occasion, Chinese newspapers like Xinhua News ran articles and posted photos featuring the Congress’s preparations and atmosphere.

Xinhua News also featured the achievements of Vietnam’s renewal process and said that Vietnam’s move toward socialism is appropriate.

On January 19, the Cuban news agency Prensa Latina reported on Vietnam’s 12th National Party Congress, calling it a milestone during the renewal progress since 1986. 

According to the article, under the Party leadership, the 30-year implementation of “Doi Moi” (renewal) has gained sound socio-economic, politic and diplomatic outcomes. Particularly, Vietnam has transformed from being impoverished into a middle-income country, consolidating its position in trade and diplomacy internationally. 

The same day, Granma, the official organ of the Cuban Communist Party which boasts the highest circulation in Cuba, featured major themes of the 12th congress in its content. 

It cited information announced at a ceremony to launch the press centre for the congress as saying the event will focus on building a strong and pure Party, promoting the strength of the whole people and socialist democracy, stepping up reform comprehensively and synchronously, firmly safeguarding the nation, and striving to turn Vietnam into a modern industrialised country. 

Meanwhile, the local Trabajadores newspaper published an interview with Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Duong Minh on the subject. The diplomat said the 30-year reform had resulted in Vietnam realising the UN millennium development goals. 

On January 20, Poldi Sosa, President of the Argentina-Vietnam Cultural Institute, expressed her hope that the congress will come up with policies that help Vietnam grow robustly, and increase its international role in the future. 

After visiting the country 20 times, Poldi Sosa said she admires the achievements that Vietnam has attained throughout its renovation process. According to her, the Government has invested heavily in social welfare programmes in recent years to improve overall living standards, with significant outcomes earned in education, gender equality, poverty alleviation, and freedom of speech and religious practice.

Meanwhile, the major political event is also drawing the attention of Vietnamese people at home and abroad. Many Vietnamese studying and working in Thailand have closely followed developments related to the 12th Congress. They all wish the Congress success in setting new policies to further encourage overseas Vietnamese to contribute to their fatherland. 

Nguyen Ngoc Han, deputy chairman of the Overseas Vietnamese Association in Bangkok said, "I hope for stronger Thailand-Vietnam relations following the Congress, with more policies to help Thai-Vietnamese stabilize their lives in Thailand. Overseas Vietnamese in Thailand have always turned their hearts to their motherland and tried to preserve their cultural identity. I hope there will be a school to teach Vietnamese in Bangkok."

Bui Thi Nhu Hue who is completing a Master’s Degree in Pharmacy Management at Mahidol University said, "The Congress’s results will directly affect all Vietnamese people, including students studying abroad like us. We really hope for more policies that create favorable conditions for students like us to study abroad and later contribute to national development."

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12th National Party Congress delegates hold preparatory session
12th National Party Congress delegates hold preparatory session

Up to 1,510 delegates to the 12th National Party Congress met in a preparatory session at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on the morning of January 20.

12th National Party Congress delegates hold preparatory session

12th National Party Congress delegates hold preparatory session

Up to 1,510 delegates to the 12th National Party Congress met in a preparatory session at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on the morning of January 20.