Vietnamese, Nepali communist parties cement relations

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) treasures its ties with the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN-UML) and wants to further strengthen bilateral relations for the interests of the two countries’ people and for peace, stability and development in Asia and the world. 

The statement was made by Politburo member Nguyen Van Binh, Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and head of its Economic Commission, at his reception in Hanoi on June 29 for a delegation from the Nepali party, which is led by Madhav Kumar Nepal, former Prime Minister and head of the CPN-UML International Bureau. 

Binh expressed his belief that the delegation’s visit marks a milestone tightening the friendship and solidarity between the two parties and peoples. 

Madhav Kumar Nepal congratulated Vietnam on its socio-economic development achievements. 

He stated that the achievements Vietnam has gained during its 30-year renewal process under the leadership of the CPV not only changed the country and improved its people’s living standards, but also are experience lessons for other communist parties in the world. 

He affirmed that his party wishes to intensify its relations with the CPV, especially in the sharing of information and experience in policy making, in order to boost the two countries’ cooperation. 

The guest also held talks with deputy head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Nguyen Huy Tang, during which they discussed specific measures to tighten the relationship between the two Parties and countries. 

The Nepali delegation plans to have working sessions with leaders of Vinh Phuc province, Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Nai province, and visit several economic and cultural facilities in the country.-
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Vietnam offers financial, humanitarian aid to Nepal
Vietnam offers financial, humanitarian aid to Nepal

(VOV) - Vietnam on May 1 announced US$50,000 in aid for Nepal, where more than 6,200 people have been killed and another 13,000 injured in a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has left hundreds of thousands homeless.

Vietnam offers financial, humanitarian aid to Nepal

Vietnam offers financial, humanitarian aid to Nepal

(VOV) - Vietnam on May 1 announced US$50,000 in aid for Nepal, where more than 6,200 people have been killed and another 13,000 injured in a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has left hundreds of thousands homeless.

Vietnam treasures ties with Nepal
Vietnam treasures ties with Nepal

(VOV) -Vietnam Ambassador to India, Bhutan and Nepal Ton Sinh Thanh has affirmed Vietnam's recognition of high importance on cooperation with Nepal while presenting his credentials to Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav in Kathmandu recently.

Vietnam treasures ties with Nepal

Vietnam treasures ties with Nepal

(VOV) -Vietnam Ambassador to India, Bhutan and Nepal Ton Sinh Thanh has affirmed Vietnam's recognition of high importance on cooperation with Nepal while presenting his credentials to Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav in Kathmandu recently.

Vietnamese poet auctions collection for Nepal
Vietnamese poet auctions collection for Nepal

Philippines-based Vietnamese poet Nguyen Phan Que Mai has submitted her noted collection, The Secret of Hoa Sen, to an auction on ebay, along with another 175 items by authors from around the world, to raise money for victims of the recent earthquake in Nepal.

Vietnamese poet auctions collection for Nepal

Vietnamese poet auctions collection for Nepal

Philippines-based Vietnamese poet Nguyen Phan Que Mai has submitted her noted collection, The Secret of Hoa Sen, to an auction on ebay, along with another 175 items by authors from around the world, to raise money for victims of the recent earthquake in Nepal.