Vietnam, Uzbekistan celebrate national events

A celebration marking the National Days of Vietnam (September 2) and Uzbekistan (September 1) was held in Hanoi on August 22.

Addressing the ceremony, Chairman of the Vietnam-Uzbekistan Friendship Association (VUFA) Luong Phan Cu noted the event is among activities that cement ties between the two nations, saying his association will increase its role in connecting the two peoples.

Honorary Consul General of Uzbekistan in Vietnam Le Van Nghia lauded the robust growth of the bilateral relations, which he pledged to support moving forwards.

On the occasion, the VUFA mounted an exhibition on charming Uzbek landscape and people as well as launching a writing contest on the ties.

Vietnam and Uzbekistan established their joint governmental committee in 1996, with six sessions taking place thus far.

Uzbekistan is ranked seventh and fifth globally in terms of cotton production and export, respectively, while garment and textiles is a Vietnamese key export sector.

Pacts in culture and education have increasingly formed between the two nations. Uzbek students have studied in Vietnam and a Vietnamese language and culture centre was set up in the central Asian country
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