President, Deputy PM receive former US Secretary of State

VOV.VN -President Tran Dai Quang has highlighted former US Secretary of State John Kerry’s ongoing visit to Vietnam as a contribution to promoting bilateral relations between the two nations.

At a reception on June 21 in Hanoi, President Quang told Kerry that the Vietnamese people consider him a close friend and called for more support in trade, investment, education, technology and climate change cooperation. 

The State leader said he is elated that US President Donald Trump has confirmed his participation in the APEC Summit in Danang.

President Quang said he and President Donald Trump exchanged letters on bilateral relations, in which President Trump promised to bolster cooperation in economy, trade, investment as well as regional and international issues of mutual concern and join hands with Vietnam and regional countries in ensuring security and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region on the basis of respecting international law.

The President recognized the new US administration’s commitment in resolving war consequences in Vietnam. He asked Mr Kerry to support Vietnam’s interests in detoxification of Bien Hoa airfield, land mine clearance, the search of Vietnamese soldiers missing in action and energy development. 

Kerry, in turn said Vietnam’s policies are on the right track and expressed his expectation that Vietnam and the US will work hand in hand in multiple sectors.

Kerry told his host that over the past 30 years, he has spared no effort to boost Vietnam-US relations, and found that Vietnam became a typical economic model with high competitiveness. 

Meetings between the two countries’ senior leaders will contribute to propeling the bilateral relationship forward in the future, he added.

The same day, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh also received former Secretary of State Kerry.

Minh applauded Kerry’s efforts and contributions Vietnam-US relations over the past decades in his capacity as both Secretary of State and Senator, as well as his continued special attention to Vietnam.

The Deputy PM briefed his guest on the current situation of Vietnam-US ties, including the outcomes of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s recent visit to the US, and affirmed his support for the early operation of the Fulbright University Vietnam.

He welcomed the connection between the university’s training programmes with Vietnam’s sectors with high demands such as engineering, aerospace and cyber security as well as proposals to minimise climate change impacts in the country.

Minh proposed Kerry continue supporting Vietnam-US partnerships especially in economy, trade, investment, education, science-technology, overcoming war aftermaths and response to climate change.

For his part, Kerry said he will continue his efforts to develop Vietnam-US ties, especially in areas profitable for the Vietnamese people.

He thanked the Foreign Ministry of Vietnam for supporting the establishment of the Fulbright University Vietnam, expressing his belief that the university will contribute to the development process of Vietnam and deepening the Vietnam-US relationship in the future.

Kerry emphasized the significance of green and renewable energy development to sustainable socio-economic development in each country, affirming his willingness to support Vietnam in the field.

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