NA Vice Chairman hosts US Congressman

VOV.VN -National Assembly Vice Chairman Do Ba Ty on October 16 hosted a reception in Hanoi for Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee on Asia and the Pacific Ted Yoho.

He told his guest that since 2013, Vietnam-US relation have grown steadily across a variety of areas such as politics, economy, trade, science-technology, culture, education, national defence-security.

Ty also affirmed his nation's wish to strengthen comprehensive partnership with the US on bilateral, regional and global spheres, on the basis of respect for each other’s political regime and development roadmap.

He asked the US Congress and government to further enhance two-way trade and facilitate the export of Vietnamese catfish to the US market. 

"Vietnam wants the US to continue helping the country increase the capacity of its coast guards as well as search and rescue efforts, and reinforce national defence industry with a focus on shipbuilding, maritime supervision, personnel training, English language and military medicine," he said. 

Yoho, in turn, praised Vietnam as a significant trade partner of the US and underlined the need for both sides to tackle pending issues.

He said he hopes that bilateral relationship will further grow and flourish in the future.

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