In photos: welcome ceremony for US President

VOV.VN - An official welcome ceremony for US President Barack Obama took place on May 23 morning at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi.

On May 23, US President Barack Obama began his official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of President Tran Dai Quang. 

The welcome ceremony for the US leader was held at 10.30am the same day.
Obama is the third US President to visit Vietnam since the two nations normalized their relations in 1995. 

President Tran Dai Quang and his US counterpart at the ceremony

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President Obama begins Vietnam visit
President Obama begins Vietnam visit

VOV.VN - On May 23, US President Barack Obama began his official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of President Tran Dai Quang. 

President Obama begins Vietnam visit

President Obama begins Vietnam visit

VOV.VN - On May 23, US President Barack Obama began his official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of President Tran Dai Quang.